Recently, Pomodoro Technique has become increasingly popular among software developers in the Lean and Agile communities. Kristoffer Nordström from Softhouse, made for Lean Magazine this interview with Staffan Nöteberg – the author behind the bestseller Pomodoro Technique Illustrated.
Tag: agile
Untangling Lean and Agile
Lean and Agile both create good conditions for handling frequent problems in many IT projects – but in rather different ways. As the concepts are often confused, Krister Kauppi will help us untangle them. Step 1: What is Lean? Lean Software Development is Lean principles applied to software development, as […]
Lean & Agile and the matter of Architecture
Software Architecture was often neglected in the early years of the agile movement. However in recent years most developers have learnt to appreciate its importance. In this article, Jim Coplien – the author of Wiley’s upcoming book “Lean Software Architecture” – gives an overview of architecture’s role in the Lean […]
An Agile Contract model based on Trouble Tickets
”It’s all about promoting an efficient way of working where focus on headcount is dropped to the benefit of flexibility in the working teams.” For several years, Softhouse has been promoting the ideas around payment for actual deliverables rather than spent hours. About a year ago – in the summer […]
Is something ROTTEN in the practices of XP?
The attendees of the 2007 QCon and the Øresund Agile 2007 conference could see how XP in general, and Test-Driven Development in particular came under heavy bombardment by the well known Agile profile Jim Coplien. Lean Magazine contacted the nowadays Elsinore-based software professor, currently working as an Agile Coach for […]