Professor Jan Bosch is the eloquent evangelist of speed in software development. His message is clear: if Scandinavia’s software industries cannot find ways to keep up and ultimately increase the pace, we will become second-class industrial nations.
Make Ready – the missing link in Agile projects
The Make Ready Process can be of great use to Agile software teams. Here Bent Jensen and Sven Bertelsen give an introduction, based on
their experience of Lean Construction.
Cost of Delay – interview with Don Reinertsen
Cost of delay (COD) is something we all need better understanding of. Don Reinertsen explains some of the mysteries of this elusive subject to Anders Sixtensson of Softhouse.
Size XXL – Lean and Agile projects within Ericsson
Methodology must be adapted, every developer must understand their part in the whole and architecture issues are key – these are three conclusions that Ericsson have reached from their experience of running large-scale Lean & Agile projects.
Software Craftsmanship – is about changing the industry to focus on professionalism
When Corey Haines lost his job in 2008 after working for a long time in various types of companies, he decided to go on a pair-programming tour, in exchange for room and board. This brought him some fame but also some new ideas; today he is one of the standard-bearers […]